Hello everybody! Welcome to Mitten state railfan! My Name is Sean and I am a railfan from Southern Michigan. I grew up on the Canadian National Holly subdivision and is still my home subdivision to this day. I occasionally go out and railfan other areas of Michigan such as, Durand, (CN Holly/Flint sub), Romulus, (CSX Saginaw sub/NS Detroit district) and downriver (CN shoreline/Flat rock sub/NS Detroit line).
I have been a fan of trains since I was really young and started railfanning in 2022. This channel was created on 1/27/23 so it’s relatively new. I am also a very social railfan and love meeting new railfans, so if you see me, feel free to say hi! Anywho that’s about all, without further ado, let’s get this show on the tracks!