Intempora is software tech company founded in 2000 based on research works performed at Mines ParisTech.
We develop advanced and innovative software tools for engineers, developers.
We edit RTMaps (Real-Time Multisensor Applications) a component-based development and execution middleware use to design complex real-time systems which are dealing with various data streams. RTMaps is embedded in robotics and autonomous vehicles prototypes since 2002. Intempora also edits IVS - A sensor data management platform for autonomous vehicles used to manage, search, filter then test and analyze unstructured collected sensor data.
After a four year distribution partnership Intempora has been recognized for its software expertise and has been acquired by dSPACE Gmbh to provide an end-to-end toolchain for ADAS and autonomous driving. From rapid prototyping, to development, testing, validation to production. From computer code to the road.