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8 months ago - 879 likes

Third Cities: Skylines 2 early access gameplay video is scheduled for this Wednesday evening! The previous poll was pretty clear, so I'll mostly focus on every single transportation option and since the city is already big, we also need to build a serious highway network.

I don't want to neglect the other series, so Altengrad continues this Friday, where we will look at public transport too.

8 months ago - 193 likes

The third Cities: Skylines 2 video comes out next Wednesday, 11th. I haven't started recording it yet, so you can still suggest things to focus on in there - things related to gameplay. Vote below for general areas or write something specific in a comment. I'll probably touch everything, but some things I can explore more.

8 months ago - 696 likes

Cities: Skylines 2 early access showcase of gameplay part 2 tomorrow (Wednesday, EU evening)!

We will continue our first city, where I will show you the road tools in more detail while building a simple interchange, I will also build some railway infrastructure, both cargo and passenger, and overall pretty much everything else.

This video will take care of this week, so no video on Friday, but stay tuned for Asturis next week.

9 months ago - 836 likes

Listen up everyone! This Friday, 1st of September, so tomorrow, there will be a tram ride video from Altengrad instead of the usual Asturis video. The reason for that is, that the ride would be normally released on the 8th, but on the 8th, there will be a super special video and that is - my first early access gameplay of Cities: Skylines 2!

The ride video tomorrow will take you through the newly rebuilt city center on the new T3 tram, although sounds will be from a modern T4, bonus points if you can guess from which city (I tried recording a real "historical" T3 in Prague but quality was garbage).

Video schedule will now be a little scrambled because of C:S2. I really want to jump into it, but at the same time I'm not building 24/7 so can't do everything at once. Nevertheless, Asturis and Altengrad are NOT ending. Maybe I'll release an occasional second video a week during this early access time to make up for it, but I can't promise that right now.

Anyways, enjoy the tram ride tomorrow and stay tuned for C:S2 next week!

11 months ago - 103 likes

Thoughts about the new Cities: Skylines II highlight for traffic AI. Once again, it seems like a great improvement over CS1. This time, the video was a bit shallow, but the blog post goes into much more technical details so I highly recommend reading that…

It sounds like the Transfer Manager and TMPE AI mods were implemented while probably going further, especially for citizens. But the most important piece of info for me was mentioning that it's all better optimised. It also mentioned individual driving styles and maybe the roundabout info hinted some better handling of priority signs, but not sure. Possibly similar to some higher settings of simulation accuracy in TMPE now. I wonder if the CS1 clipping through pedestrians will be gone with the collision mechanics.

However, the video also showed a whole bunch of glitches, maybe bugs, possible fps issues, it is confirmed that vehicles will do the CS1 sudden lane turns, the unrealistic tilting of cars when braking and turning, and overall some shots really don't look much different from CS1 with some basic better color correction. Depending on how old the videos are, I'm not so sure there is that much time to fix all of that, while some are probably intentional decisions.

So just like last time, there are two ways to look at this, from the gameplay and detailing perspectives. The info we have about gameplay already points towards massive improvement over CS1, although we only know things about traffic for now. Detailing or higher customizing, not sure how to call it, is indirectly more and more confirmed to be left for the modding and asset creation scene, which might take years to reach CS1 levels. But some core things about CS2 should in the end take it further, like the lane-based building, there was for example a little detail in this highlight where a tram was seen with the pantograph moving up and down to follow wires and other small details that are actually quite significant since it hints to a totally new mechanic that should lead to eventually more realism after being polished by mods and custom assets.

So I guess I'll not look at the looks of the game anymore in the upcoming highlights, it's more than confirmed how it will be, what direction devs chose and what it means for CS1 detailers. What's more important IMHO now is to watch those new core mechanics that should point to future possibilities, but of course, only a full look into the game could answer all that, so we will just have to wait until October.

1 year ago - 307 likes

I'm going to change the schedule. Videos will now be released on Fridays. So nothing today, but new vid tomorrow. It's so I can see how it does when it goes live.

1 year ago - 559 likes

Hey, I updated both my Steam mod collections for Asturis and Altengrad. Some great new mods/updates in the game right now. To name a few: the only graphics mod necessary now is Render It, unless you need some special stuff that I noted in those collections. I recently tried the Transfer Manager CE, literal game changer. Road Builder is great to quickly make tons of highly customized networks for even the most obscure situations. And above all, the Compatibility Report makes checking your mod selections super easy these days.

Now for the videos. Building and making new episodes goes mostly smoothly, but still takes time. I already have some reasonable buffer ready, but no idea how busy I'll be throughout the rest of this year, so I'd rather keep the buffer larger as a constant schedule is key for the channel's health. So, new videos will resume on the 2nd of March, Thursdays as usual. And like I wrote before, I'll try 1 Asturis and 1 Altengrad schedule.

My collections…

1 year ago - 938 likes

Happy New Year everyone! With 2022 behind us, a channel update is needed with plans for 2023.

Just like last year, I'll take a little break at the start of the year, probably around 1 or 2 months. I ran out of ready videos anyway so I need some time to make them and make sure I can upload regularly again after that. I'm probably going to do a similar break in the summer this year.

I expect the Asturis and Altengrad videos to start coming out again in February or March, I'll let you know. The plans are simple, we will continue working on various projects in Asturis, mostly around the downtown. In Altengrad, I still have one prefab project for now, but we spent enough time with the topic already so there are other things to build too - roads, railways, industry and various other projects. I would also like to wrap up the 60s in this next block of videos before the summer.

In this block, I would also like to try a different schedule. It's still going to be weekly with Thursdays uploads at 6 PM CET/CEST, but I'd like to do 1 Asturis and 1 Altengrad, instead of the current 2 and 1. I just like building Altengrad a little more right now and the video making isn't as crazy as at the start of the scripted introductions episodes so I can do it a little faster - already found the sources, borrowed the books, have some clearer picture about stuff and generally more experience with this format.

In the meantime, the Sunday 5 PM CET/CEST streams on Twitch will continue uninterrupted. I also made a new asset for Altengrad so head over to my Steam page to grab that and get a little spoiler for a future episode.

Also, I was gathering ideas for potential tutorials or otherwise "simpler" videos (as in, made significantly faster than usual building episodes) so I started working on those to keep the channel alive. This will include a huge complete guide to Procedural Objects, that I'll probably release in the next two weeks.

That's all, so happy New Year again and let's hope 2023 will be a good year.

1 year ago - 800 likes

As promised, new video tomorrow, restarting the usual Thursdays weekly schedule. It's not hard to guess what will be this week's topic.

1 year ago - 706 likes

I ran out of stuff to upload and won't have time to make more right now, so I'll take a month off to prepare new projects. Next video will be up on Thursday, 6th of October restarting the usual schedule, first one Altengrad then two Asturises and repeat. Here are some screenshots and a little sneak peek of what's coming.