REGEN DOCTOR is a community-driven group of Regenerative Medicine Specialists who are experts in the field of optimizing human health, getting patients out of pain and back to living their best life possible. We are passionate about medicine, conservative with our approach and SAFE with our cutting edge techniques following FDA guidelines to a tee. Whether it's bone marrow-derived stem cell, cryopreserved amniotic allografts, PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections our doctors believe that the body’s own regenerative properties is a miraculous machine to aid in healing, health and wellness. Too often in the past, surgical procedures and steroid injections have only masked the symptoms of an underlying condition. Our goal is to heal you.This channel is for educational purposes. Stop by our facility to meet the team and learn more!
4542 Las Posas Dr. Suite D
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 585-5004