Hi! I'm Carmela "Ms. Forever." A wife, mother,&marriage material, before the wedding; a FreelanceWriter/HomebasedBuy&SellEntrepreneur/YourDearFutureWifey-MostSuitableHelpmeet/Homemaker/Nurturer/Chefcook;work on leading to my better version. Love to impact the universe w/my vibrant substantial energy&IntellectualMindset.I'm responsible for putting ME& family together in the proper order,to the best of my ability! I work hard in progress to catch things up in life& elevate personally, emotionally, mentally,& spiritually.Thanks for subscribing to my channel! I really appreciate it! Here to assist you in being your happiest! Love to impact your soul w/simple,deeply intense,&intimate quality conversations based on spiritual connection. My vlogs are spontaneous to constructive sensual content. It's hope. Love. Sex. Fun. Food. Entertainment. Voluntary Accountability Partnership. Relationship. Family. Children. "PERD" Intimacy. Life. Future. Selflessness/Self-Love. Conscious-Awareness.God.β€οΈπ