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Step into the daily life of an experienced industry car care professional, full time detailer and XPEL approved PPF Centre as I prepare new cars, remove swirls & clean every area of a car to perfection whilst explaining what I do to help you get your car the way you want it.
A showcase for the work done at Ti22 Vehicle Services - A detailing business basd in Chepstow, South Wales, with approvals and authorised detailing from Rupes, Swissvax, GTechniq, CarPro, Kamikaze collection & IGL coatings.
I aim to deliver a new video every week - I make videos on either the work I do or the detailing tools and professional techniques that help me get it done right.. if theres a topic you want a video on, let me know - we are an IDA recgnised trainer and a Rupes certified training centre so are well placed to give qualified advice on all aspects of detailing.