I go by Halifornian, which is pronounced like Californian... but with an "H".
Welcome, to my Encyclopedia!
Here, you'll find an ever growing collection of videos, dedicated to information and stories I've found valuable, inspiring, entertaining, insightful or just damn interesting.
Dive into a playlist for easy to digest, fascinating information dumps on captivating topics!
I'm very much in a learning phase of this content-creating endeavor... but this channel will be 100% my attempt to share with you, a collection of videos, I've found fascinating.
I'm all over the map with my interests, so this channel will be too. I'll do my best to categorize similar videos into optimal playlists and I promise I'll get better at displaying everything as time goes on.
I'll be uploading regularly, 7 days a week as long as I can manage.
OH YEAH! It's a faceless channel for now... but I look forward to changing that soon!
Until then, I hope you enjoy my little library