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North of the Border

1.74M subscribers - no pronouns set

I make stuff and videos. They're not just good, they're good

North of the Border
2 weeks ago - 11K likes

Hello Internet!

Last week's video took a couple days longer to get sorted and I had the *audacity* to take a day off after, so I didn't have time to make a video for today.

I hope you can forgive me.

See you next week.

xoxo, gossip girl

North of the Border
3 weeks ago - 9.9K likes

May the fourth be with you!

No, wait, that's tomorrow. Good thing I've got a video for tomorrow instead of today, then!

Uh... Except I *grossly* underestimated how long it would take me to make what I done maked, so instead of a late Friday video releasing on Saturday, you get a late Saturday video releasing on Sunday instead (...probably).

May the Fifth be with you!

North of the Border
3 months ago - 15K likes

I'm working on a slightly more detailed project this week so it won't be done til next week. Rest assured though, this one is an absolute banger.

In fact, you can go ahead and get rid of the back half of your chair because you'll only need the edge to sit on. I don't want to overstate the cultural and historical signficance of what's coming, but this is the sort of thing that you'll be telling your kids' kids' kids about in 100 years from now as you wake from your cryogenically frozen slumber to a world sunken beneath a flaming ocean, "I was there, Garglamellelda. I was there when it happened", as a single tear rolls down your cheek, immediately evaporating in the unbearable heat of the hellscape that Earth has become.

So... no video this week.

North of the Border
4 months ago - 18K likes

I feel like I should reiterate: I'm on holiday, I haven't quit YouTube.

My plan is to upload content until I fade into obscurity--like a fart in the wind, only to be noticed in a passing moment when someone lifts their head and says, "ew, what is that?".

See ya'll next week!

Or, I mean, I won't see you, 'cause that's now how YouTube works, but you get what I'm trying to say.

Or maybe you don't, in which case what I'm saying is that you'll see me (or my hands, at the very least) but because I'm uploading a video, there really isn't anyway for me to see you, unless you upload a video, which, given the amount of people quitting YouTube at the moment, isn't necessarily a bad idea.

How's that for a finishing sentence returning to the original statement? My grade 11 english teacher would be psyched.

North of the Border
4 months ago - 8.4K likes

Have you got your Terry Plush yet? There's only an hour left!

Except, there's now a week left, since the fine folks at Makeship have extended the pre-order period for another 7 days, giving you time to spend money. What a bunch of gems. Don't forget, all the proceeds go to charity, so you're getting a tiny nerdy thing and doing a big good thing.

Also! Did you know there's Terry the T-shirts available to buy at!? Designed and voted on by the Patreon community, you can get yourself a Terry T-shirt today!

North of the Border
4 months ago - 12K likes

Hey, it's Friday! That means there's a video, right?


The holidays are over, which means I'm taking a holiday for two weeks. Which means you'll have to go back and rewatch old videos (or watch them for the first time, I guess).


North of the Border
4 months ago - 16K likes

Is this what you animals want?

They're dog socks. Now I say, 'BOY, MY DOGS ARE BARKING', then I laugh and laugh and laugh and everyone cheers.

North of the Border
4 months ago - 3.7K likes

Apparently there was some sort of celebration at the start of the week that I was told by my nonplatonic roommate that I would have to attend. Somebody's birthday or something--I dunno, it's hard to keep track of all this stuff. Was kinda sweet though, 'cause it was like a Hobbit birthday and I got a bunch of gifts. Socks, mostly, but you reach a point where that's all you really want.

Anyways, all this to say that I was forced out of my cave into the world so I didn't have time to finish my video for today. It should be done tomorrow, but apparently there's some other birthday party or something coming up this weekend?

Should be tomorrow. In the meantime, lemme axe you a question:

North of the Border
5 months ago - 15K likes

A wild Terry Plush appears! That's right! I can't make custom Terry sculptures for everyone, but I *can* make limited time only plushes!

Plus, all proceeds go to The Marine Conservation Society! So you get an adorably terry-fying plush *and* you support a good cause!

It's for a limited time only, so go get one before times up! FOMO FOMO FOMO

North of the Border
6 months ago - 11K likes

Hello people of the Internet!

This week's video has taken significantly longer than I thought it would. So much so, that it is no longer this week's video. Now it is next week's video. Which means I don't have a video this week.

But next week? Ho boy. Hold on to your butts.