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趣味の音楽機材いじりなど、Adobe Premier Proで編集した動画をアップしていきます。 所有機材 撮影・編集

Roland aira compact T-8 Giorgio moroder The chase Cover #synth #acidhouse #giorgiomoroder Nintendo Super Famicom(Super NES) Street Fighter Ⅱ’Turbo“Dahlsim’s theme” #sp404mk2 #streetfighter GAME BOY Color TETRIS dnb mix Part Two by Roland sp-404mk2 #sp404mk2 #gameboy #tetris #dnb GAME BOY Color TETRIS dnb mix Part One by Roland sp-404mk2 #sp404mk2 #gameboy #tetris #dnb Roland aira compact J-6 and SP-404 Mk2dnb practice #sp404mk2 #dnb #amen #sampling Roland Aira Compact S-1 and SP-404mk2 Night dnb Session #sp404mk2 #drumnbass #dawless Nintendo GAME BOY COLOR+nanoloop 1.2 First Touch(presets pattern) #nanoloop #gameboy #chiptune Roland SP-404mk2and aira compact T-8 And J-6 night dnb session #sp404mk2 #synthesizer Appare!『希望の光』Amen break mix #sp404mk2 #fingerdrumming #amenbreak Roland aira compactJ-6 and Roland SP-404think break practice #sp404mk2 #dnb #thinkbreak Roland SP-404 mk2 and Aira Compact J-6 think break Practice #sp404mk2 #synthesizer #dnb Roland Aira Compact S-1 and SP-404 mk2 Free Session #rolandsp404mk2 #synthesizer #breakbeats Roland aira compactS-1 and T-8first session #synthesizer #myroland #airacompact #S1 #t8 Roland SP-404 mk2 Amen break Finger drumming Plactice #fingerdrumming #amenbreak #dnb #myroland Roland aira compactj-6 and T-8Drum and bass #myroland #dnb #drumnbass #airacompact Underworld 『Techno Shinkansen』Roland Aira compact J-6 and T-8 Cover #underworld #synthesizer Logic Pro and Roland J-6 and Roland SP-404MK2 IDEA SKETCH(One phrase) #housemusic #sp404mk2 #roland Roland SP-404 MK2 and MIDI FIGHTER Finger Drumming Plactice #fingerdrumming #sp404 #sp404mk2 SP-404mk2 and Midifighter 3D finger drumming plactice #sp404mk2 #amenbreak #fingerdrumming Roland SP-404mk2thinbreakfingerdrumming(one finger)plactice is difficult #sp404mk2 #fingerdrumming Sp-404mk2 and Aira Compact J-6 think break finger drumming plactice is very difficult #sp404mk2 Roland sp-404 Mk2and aira compact J-6Drummn’bass session(think break and 808bass) #drumnbass Roland SP-404 MK2 Pattern Sequencer Mode and Roland Aira Compact J-6 MIDI Sync Plactice #sp404mk2 DarudeSandstorm Roland T-8 acid cover #myroland #airacompact #t8 #acidhouse #edm Roland SP-404mk2 fingerdrumming practice think(about it) break #sp404mk2 #drumnbass #fingerdrumming Roland SP-404mk2 Beatmake plactice MFX-Scatter and JB -Funky Drummer(beat) #sp404mk2 #sampling AmenBreak SP-404MK2 MFX(EFFECT)Scatter MiX #sp404mk2 #amenbreak #breakbeat Roland SP-404Mk2 Finger Drumming Plactice (amenbreak) #sp404mk2 #amenbreak #fingerdrumming SP404mk2 and Tr-08 session -Sound Generator Plactice #sp404mk2 #tr808 #minimaltechno 可愛いって言わないと呪う『中華食べたい』Amen Break Mix #sp404mk2 #amenbreak #かわのろ GoPro HERO vs GoPro HERO2024 画質比較 #gopro #goprohero #actioncamera GoProHERO 2024で夜間の撮影してみた #gopro #goprohero #actioncamera GoProHERO 2024 4K撮影で連続どれくらい撮れるか試してみた #gopro #goprohero #actioncamera GoProHERO 2024のバッテリーの持ちはどう? #gopro #goprohero #actioncamera 極小ボディのGoProHero 2024の4K動画を撮ろうと思ったらフルHDでした。なぜ。? #gopro #goprohero #actioncamera 極小ボディのGoProHERO 2024 ファーストインプレッション #gopro #goprohero #actioncamera GoProHERO 2024 Unboxing!!! 開封の儀 #gopro #goprohero #unboxing Sampling Source Bread & Butter『Summer Blue』Finger Drumming Plactice #citypop #sp404mk2 Sampling Source クマリデパート『限界無限大ケン%』SP-404 MK2 Pad Mute Plactice #sp404mk2 #beatmaker #japaneseidol 朝比奈マリア『心のままに』Beatmake Plactice (FILTER + DRIVE MIX) #sp404mk2 #beatmake #citypop Happy 909DAY! #roland #909day SergioMendes『Mas Que Nada』Just 909Mix #roland #sp404mk2 #909day クマリデパート『ブルーサバイバー』AmenBreak Mix #fingerdrumming #amenbreak #sp404mk2 吉田美奈子『MIDNIGHT DRIVER』Beatmake Plactice #sp404mk2 #citypop #beatmaker FES☆TIVE『SE(Overture)2024 ver.』待ちくたびれMIX Short Ver. #フェスティブを広めよう #sp404mk2 #amenbreak 泰葉『フライディ・チャイナタウン』Beatmake Plactice #sp404mk2 #citypop #shorts 開歌-かいか-『Pl(r)ayer』AmenBreakMix #fingerdrumming #amenbreak #sp404 Roland Aira Compact T-8 Night ACID Session #acidhouse #airacimpact #technomusic