Who is Shay? Shay is an entrepreneur , accountant ,chef, food blogger, lifestyle foodie, and creator of DivineKuizine. Come take this entrepreneurial journey with me.The experience of being a restaurant owner helped me to discover my product line DivineKuizine. The remoulade sauce that now is bottled; was a demand from customers to eat their meals and sugar spice also package was the sugar and spice in my apple fried pie mixture and on my sweet potato fries which my customers raved about. Apple fritter mix came about it is a childhood favorite so why not make a mix I can share this childhood favorite with others.
Creating my brand, DivineKuizine, has been a journey I am thrilled I took. I hope to grow my brand across America until it becomes a household product. I am in it for the journey. ShaysFoodJourney channel is about my journey as entrepreneur and tips I have learned and want to share with you. Motivation and mindset you need to be an entrepreneur. Food of course.