Jaguar Skating Academy is one of the leading roller skating academy in Udumalpet city, Tiruppur district run by Mr.Nagarajan, Chairman / Senior Coach.
In tamilnadu our academy is the first had achieved 6 world records in skating such as *Vajra World Record, Universal Records Forum, Elite World Records, Asian Book of Records, India Book of Records and Tamilan Book of Records*
Jaguar Skating Academy has conduct regular classes every day morning & evening, summer classes every year. We encourage our skaters fitness, regular exercises, awareness skating rally, cycle rally and many other skating activities to improve their health & mental abilities as well as their social bonding.
Our academy's certified coaches & skilled trainers have taken classes in many Private, CBSC, International and Govt., school students, more than 2000 students had trained. We encourage our skaters to participate in district, state and national level meets and they secure many medals, shields in all events.