all uploaded videos are specials;
about our cats and sometime diary vlog of life π.
Hi my name is Salassa, i was born in Jakarta, grew up in Depok/Cibinong, Indonesia, now i live in Idar Oberstein, Germany with my little family and adorable cats.
all videos are dedicated to our cats and two precious children, this way they will see one day, at time when they were little, how adorable and being loved so much by us the parents and family.
#Thalie #Salassa #Karlheinz #CrazyCatLadyfeatSasDiary #Pagi #Prego #Panther #Pfeffer #Maui #Smokey #EuropeanShortHair #Cats #sasdiary #vlog #family #love #familyvlog #eat #makan #eating #makanan #makbar #mukbang #food
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