Hello there, welcome to my page. I am a born again Christian; I try to love JESUS with everything in me. Hope y'all enjoy my page and may JESUS bless you. If you aren't already a born again Christian or if you aren't sure of whether you're saved, take a moment to read the following and consider it: We cannot earn Heaven, we deserve to go to hell, our righteousness is but filthy rags unto the Lord (Isaiah 64:6). It's as simple as this: we're sinners in need of a Savior. JESUS came to earth, became the unblemished sacrificial lamb and then went to hell in our place. The only condition He put on it is that we believe in Him. We can neither earn, nor lose our Salvation because it isn't based upon us, it's based upon HIM and what HE did. We play no role except that we accept HIM.. JESUS is holding out His hand with the only real free gift, the question is: will you accept it? So, if you wanna go to Heaven you must go through JESUS. If you wanna go to hell pick anything else.