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Butane Boss

3.62K subscribers - no pronouns set

A hapless pawn who makes Gmod stop-motions and YouTube Poops

Butane Boss
1 year ago - 1 likes

you people have a right to know what happened on twitter

Butane Boss
1 year ago - 3 likes

it will be really happening to you

real soon

Butane Boss
1 year ago - 4 likes

Ello, folks!
I hope you all had a great Christmas and will have a good 2023. I wanted to try and get that Kate Bush YTP out of the way before Hogmanay but I was also working on that overdue update to one of my Skyrim mods (oh yeah did you know I also mod Skyrim?).

Having a new job means not enough time to do things, especially when interests shift into new things. I am going to limit/reduce the amount of pies I have my fingers in (😳), but I will still be loyal to the YT channel and will endeavour to make more videos because you folks are awesome and I'm grateful you stuck around for this long.

Be kind and take care,

Butane Boss
1 year ago - 5 likes

what are the odds of one of your favourite singer/songwriters suddenly becoming popular while you're in the middle of making a YTP of this woman's work, and that anything you do relating to her would result in being seen as jumping on a bandwagon?

pretty unlikely huh

Butane Boss
2 years ago - 10 likes

"butane where the fuck are you"
I've been rather busy as of late since the start of the year as things in my life have kicked off (in a good way).

That being said I have a thing coming soon.
There's a guy called LOL Scorpion who exists and we have something to publish in a few days time.
Hope we can get it done before the 30th. (oh no!)

Afterwards, I'll try to give collabs a break after this to focus on my own stuff.

Sincerely, thank you for bearing with me and my slow upload schedule.

Butane Boss
2 years ago - 4 likes

shut your mouth

Episode 9+10 of the GPod, the Garry's Mod animation podcast, will be on the 29th at 8pm GMT, hosted by
LOL Scorpion and joined by Awsum N00b, Erdamon The Owl Sniper, SaowStudios and myself.

be there or be destroyed
here's a poster I made
ok now deshut up

Butane Boss
2 years ago - 4 likes

Happy new year, folks! Don't want to get all sanctimonious but aspire to be the best and kindest version of yourself.
Be the person who folk would talk about saying "you know, the reason why I don't think we as a species are shit of because of people like them".

Anyway got more videos coming in 2022 but I'm putting my busy hat back on in the new year so I may be a bit slow with uploads. Currently working with LOL Scorpion on something.

Take care,

Butane Boss
2 years ago - 7 likes
You folks should watch this Viggeo by Viggar. It is _*QUITE*_ brilliant.

some guy also stars in it idk

(sorry for not uploading in a while but just wait 8 days trust me)

Butane Boss
2 years ago - 9 likes

Thank you very much for the 3K subs!

I'll admit, the more I think about my channel, the more I am conflicted about my older stuff. Bandwagons I shouldn't have jumped on, terminology I shouldn't have used, ways I shouldn't have acted and vulgarity I shouldn't have uttered.
Nevertheless, I'm glad you folks enjoy the stuff I make and there's definitely more to come. :¬)

(oh and in case anyone doesn't know, I also make mods for Skyrim:

Butane Boss
3 years ago - 6 likes

Well hot damn, my first ever gmod video is 10 years old today.
I've spent 10 years of my life doing this stuff.

I was making a 10th anniversary remake of VAGINEER'S XMAS, but I wasn't sure how I could translate old to new and other things crept up leaving me unable to finish it. All that remains is the WIP I posted on Twitter (…

Then again, I hosted a Gmod collab, made a few vids for it and then sweated it out on a podcast intro. I'm forgiven as fuck.

Hope you all had a great Christmas, unlike the Heavy in the vid.