Hi! I'm César. En este canal encontraras tips para aprender inglés, mejorar tu nivel, e ideas para practicar.
Tsar es por Teacher César, because it seemed too long for some people.
Me? I'm CAE Certified - and I hold a Master in Self-directed learning...and well, that's not important. Your learning process is important!
I want you to use these resources to learn English or review any fuzzy topics about grammar.
Ideas for teachers and autonomous learners too!
Support=More Coffee= More work Energy www.buymeacoffee.com/englishwithtsar
Images retrieved from Google Creative Commons or VectorStock (They're great!)
Music and Sound effects: Groovepad groovepadios.easybrain.com/hc/en-us or Bensound, also great!
Movie Clips retrieved from: playphrase.me Great tool!