I'm Janette Reyes, mother of Diego Daniel Armenta &of Juan Ulysses Diaz.I' m innocent to have more names.We3are Texans, born in this North American country USA.We are affected by multiple names' conspiracies were against me&by thousands of violations of our rights still affecting us and more family- constitutional rights-freedom of expression,in pain,truth,&w/concern I insist also public in advocacy regarding the cruel-unjustified& prohibited punishment that has been against me, against my2sons,& against more family.We are innocent,are affected,& immigration case A205-087-690 is still affecting us.Thousands of injustices, discrimination, injuries, violations of our rights,cheating against us, abuses of power, of my signatures,& of numerous of our documents,fraud, corruption, repetitive occurrences, violence, mental harm, malicious theories,& more was to& against us years. I insist that proper Relief, indemnization, compensation, recognition, respect, & repair must be for we affected!