I'm a Gym Lovers💕💕 .and I like to do Workout. My Deram is a Become a Fitness Model..and i also like to Travelling. My best favourite body part exercise is legs .. and I am pure natural bodybuilders and I don't use any type of Asteroid my all rivers and subscriber if you want to need my tips so like my video and subscribe my channel any type of question you want to ask me and I am giving your all questions answer properly in my experience basis if you want to my personal training online so I am provide you I am become to time Mr Lucknow in bodybuilding competition in Lucknow in 2018 and 19 Mr Lucknow bodybuilding competition if you want to how to lose body fat and how to gain muscle building any type of question you have all question you ask me software please give me your love and support and like my video and subscribe my channel thank you so much