Information & inspiration for paddlers!
The Air On The Water channel is here to promote paddle sports and safe paddling, inform and connect paddlers around the world, and to share great paddling experiences!
In focus: paddling safety, adventures and travel (including my #paddlingin100cities project), information on kayaks and gear, paddling knowledge and recommendations for paddlers. My personal paddling style focuses on portability, often in an inflatable kayak, but also folding or sea kayaks, or on a SUP.
I (Patrik Vuorio) am a world traveler and water safety advocate, based in Stockholm, Sweden. I love exploring and seeing new places. Paddling has become a passion!
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#inflatablekayak #kayaking #kayak #kajak #travel #traveling #itiwit #advancedelements #kokopelli #ItiwitX500 #paddling #seakayaking #inflatablekayaking #kajakpaddling