Hi there! I'm BallisticEditzX, I make Edits of Football, I'm just an editing channel, I'm so happy we reached 10K Subscribers! ❤
I also try to heart every comment in English. Thank you all so much for the support and peace out! ✌
🇲🇾 ❤
TikTok: chromal1isticXDedits
1K ✅ (18 Oct 2023) 15K❌
2K ✅ (22 Oct 2023)
3K ✅ (28 Oct 2023)
4K ✅ (1 Dec 2023)
5K ✅ (4 Dec 2023)
6K ✅ (12 May 2024)
7K ✅ (11 Jun 2024)
8K ✅ (29 Jun 2024)
9K ✅ (19 Jul 2024)
10K✅ 🤩 (26 Sep 2024)