Kamusta/how are you? Click on me!
If you don't know why I don't make more vid... Well is bc my mom say I can't make more......
My birthday: may 6.
My age: ???
My irl name: hmm.. Is chlaire.
How many friends I have: 7.
Boyfriend: he** no.
Girlfriend: I'M A GIRL.
my gender: girl.
Friends that are mean. Nope.
Hope u enjoy this thing! /idk what to call it.
Ha you really think I end it now nope just 4 more!
My fav food: adobo.
My country: ofc Pilipinas.
My fav color: black and pink blue white.
My fav gachatubers: •¿itz_N0ah? °
I love him lol I mean vid is so INCREDIBLE XD NOW THE END.