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Hey! Its me Milgo :) The 20 Year old Northern Irish certifie

1 week ago - 16 likes


BX-04 Knight Shield 3-80N Review drops tomorrow at 14:00 GMT!!!

Had a bit of free time last night to put my nose to the grindstone as it were. Would have preferred to release on a weekend but better late than never I suppose

9 months ago - 32 likes

I'm still alive :)

As always, my upload schedule... not the best. Good news though. I've figured out a new video format that is easier for me to make more regularly for this new series and the first one is coming out THIS SATURDAY. I'm going to review releases as they happen in a similar style to my beyblade 101 videos starting with BX-01 Dran Sword (very late to the party I know but hopefully I'll be able to catch up to the newer releases). Hell's scythe video is still very much a work in progress but it shouldn't take me too long to script and edit. (famous last words)

Life update for those who are interested on what's been taking me so long. I'm in the process of buying a house so atm that and work are my main focus before my daughter is born. But as soon as that's all done and dusted I can actually have a space to work on my own projects.

1 year ago - 14 likes

Just two things I'd like to update you all on:
First of all sorry for the lack of uploads as of late I am currently working on a script for a new video (though I am bouncing between video ideas which doesn't help) but it has been pretty difficult due to significant changes in how much free time I have. The Milgo family is growing as my fiancรฉ is pregnant! (14 weeks now I believe) And since YouTube isn't quite enough to survive on in this modern cost of living crisis I've got a full time job in manufacturing on top of the content I post here. So going forward I "may be" (this is in heavy quotation marks) bringing in a friend on mine to edit content I've recorded to try and keep videos flowing. Thank you for still sticking with me despite my snail's-pace upload schedule.
Which leads me into the second thing I'd like to mention...
I never expected this channel to get to this point, let alone by talking about a large part of my childhood (Beyblade obviously lmao) and I never would have gotten here without every one of you that tune in and enjoy this little hobby of mine. I've always had a passion for filmmaking, making videos as a kid on my dads old camcorder and editing them in movie maker, taking me all the way up to starting this channel in my final two years of secondary school. It's been a long road getting here so regardless if you've been here from day one and seen me through my best and worst, or are in the majority of only finding out about me in the last year, thank you for your continued support of this creative project. And no matter what curveballs are thrown my way,
The show must go on :)

Special thanks too to Bespinguard Studios and Drakon Astron for letting me work with them and giving me experience with larger channels and honing my skills with YouTube thumbnails, motion graphics and voice acting.

1 year ago - 12 likes

New video coming out: Beyblade Buyers Guide | Where to get Beyblades , this Saturday at 14:00 GMT don't miss it : )

1 year ago - 12 likes

Quick update:
๐ŸŽ‰ย We just hit 1K subs ๐ŸŽ‰
Big thanks to all of you that helped me get this far, to celebrate, my channel will be undergoing a bit of a rebranding, That means new channel art and profile pic in the near future as I'm going to primarily focus on Beyblade content and not what I used to do... which means I've unlisted all of my old videos.
But don't worry if you still wanted to see them I've made a playlist called "Unlisted" where I'm going to keep all my old videos for the time being.
The next video that I'm working on is a Beyblade Buyers guide, thanks to the results from the last poll so you can look forward to that in the near future. :)

1 year ago - 4 likes

Evening all
Balance type video is now fully scripted and recorded, all that's left is the edit.
Out of the videos I've made so far this one was the hardest to research for and I imagine the editing process won't be going easy on me either. Long and short of it is, it should be out "soon"โ„ข.

Also, first time using my community tab so I may as well take a poll. Here's a list of future video ideas/series I've come up with, feel free to vote on which one you'd like to see first after the 101 series. :) (these may not be the titles I go with) Or submit your own If there's something you really want me to cover.