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Parker The Rat

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Just a Rat makin videos y'know what im sayin?

Parker The Rat
4 days ago - 11 likes

Yet another update!

Sorry for the radio silence, y'all. I've had a lot on my plate recently. Still no stream this weekend, I hope you can understand. I just started a new full-time job to help pay for channel projects. As such, a lot of my time is now spent working there.

I'm still hard at work on the Destiny and Everhood videos I've been talking about. Those are both hefty projects that will take time to complete. I wouldn't expect them for a couple of months at best.

As far as streams go, I don't really know when they'll be back. I'm putting together a community discord to make up for the absence of those. I have no clue when that'll be ready, though.

Thank you all for your patience. I really appreciate hearing from you despite the silence on my end.

For now, that's all I've got. Until next time!

Parker The Rat
2 weeks ago - 6 likes

I was just about to go to bed when I realized I forgot to announce this.

The stream today will be the usual 2 hours, and we will be playing one of my favorite indie games, Everhood.

This game will make an appearance very soon as the subject of a longform video. I'm putting that together while I wait to get the resources necessary to continue My Time with Destiny. So stay tuned for that!

I hope to see you all on stream!

Parker The Rat
3 weeks ago - 5 likes

I'll be doing a shorter stream tomorrow. Going to be playing a small selection of itchio horror games. If that sounds interesting to y'all then hop into stream tomorrow to check it out!

Next weekend will be the beginning of a series of Everhood streams. Or maybe just one. That's still up in the air for now.

Also, yes I'm still working on My Time with Destiny. I'm at a point where there's not much more I can do before I run out of resources for it. Once I get there, I'll start working on another video to pad the time. Sorry for making you wait this long!

Parker The Rat
4 weeks ago - 5 likes

The bad mic video y'all voted on is now out. Go watch it. Or don't. It's an okay video at best, but I did a fair bit more audio work to learn a few things. So I'm proud of it.

Parker The Rat
1 month ago - 10 likes

Time to vote! Which of these videos should I make? This is with the bad quality microphone.

Parker The Rat
1 month ago - 10 likes

Another wonderful microphone update!!!

The power of the unwavering American mailing system has prevailed. And by prevailed I mean it didn't do what it normally does. I'll be getting my replacement interface either today or tomorrow. Meaning no more bad mic streams for now.

I will still make a bad mic video, but that will be on a minor delay considering I can resume working on My Time with Destiny.

I'll be putting out a poll tomorrow regarding that video and what topic you'd like to see me cover with the bad mic.

Parker The Rat
1 month ago - 10 likes

Microphone update!!!

Yeah, it's broken broken. The audio interface, not the mic. If it were the mic I'd be very sad. I'm receiving a new one at some point. But because it is being sent via the great American mailing system, I likely won't see it for a few weeks.

Until then, I am planning on getting back into the swing of things by making a series of videos using my old headset mic. Not the one I was using on stream. A different one that I had to dig out of my box of various cords. I'll also continue the other bad mic streams. Those will be every Friday at 12 pm MST as per the usual.

Those videos will all be non-serious comedic style videos on various different topics. Hopefully you will all enjoy the ones I do end up making and not throwing in the forever bin.

Thank you as always!

Parker The Rat
1 month ago - 31 likes

Haters stay winning

Parker The Rat
1 month ago - 12 likes

Okay. So, my audio interface, which allows me to use my microphone, has quit working. Well, properly, at least. I'm having difficulty getting it working again, and there's a very real possibility that it'll need to be replaced.

This shouldn't affect streams, but it will affect my ability to work on My Time With Destiny.

I'll still stream this week, but I'll be using an old xbox microphone of mine to do it. Playing some Dark Souls, which should be fun.

Hope to see y'all there!

Parker The Rat
1 month ago - 20 likes