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The Imaginary Axis

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Hello! I'm Tyler, and this is The Imaginary Axis! The plac

The Imaginary Axis
1 week ago - 1.3K likes

But if Kryptonite Radiation lies somewhere on the Gamma Spectrum, then does that mean the Hulk could beat Superman? Maybe! ...But not necessarily.

You know what else gives off gamma radiation? The sun. Nuclear weapons. Heck, most generic super villain death rays are probably giving off gamma radiation! What makes kryptonite unique is that it radiates a specific wavelength of gamma radiation, and Superman is weak to that specific wavelength- not anything higher or lower. So the Hulk might give off gamma radiation in some circumstances, but he'd still be in for one heck of a fight unless he was giving off just the right kind of gamma radiation. Godzilla essentially just got some really good RNG. You can't expect every attack based around gamma to produce the same results.

The Imaginary Axis
2 weeks ago - 1.7K likes

Maaaan, I don't want to make YouTube Shorts...

The Imaginary Axis
2 weeks ago - 788 likes

Pop Quiz from our latest video!
Can you name all the items and weapons Tyler was evaluating during the opening sequence to see if they could kill Superman?

The Imaginary Axis
3 weeks ago - 2.1K likes

New episode of The Imaginary Axis tomorrow!
We're going to be taking a closer look at the world of Star Wars and DC Comics! Here's a work in progress for the thumbnail! This video is NOT going to utilize YouTube's Premier function... But be there for the premier anyway! First person to type "Midi-chlorian Kryptonite" in tomorrow's comment section gets a No Prize!

The Imaginary Axis
3 weeks ago - 2K likes

New video dropping on Saturday. If you're interested in Superman or Star Wars, you should be there!
Here's a sneak peek:

The Imaginary Axis
1 month ago - 4K likes

Hello? Is this thing on? Mic check. 1, 2, 3...
How's my new uniform look?

The Imaginary Axis
1 year ago - 2.3K likes

This was my favorite piece of custom art for our most recent video. I love how it turned out! I wanted to pick three different gods for Gorr to fight that would be recognizable and properly demonstrate just how dangerous he was. Naturally, I had to have Beerus in the scene because I love Dragon Ball, and the thought of Ryuk being caught in a surprise throat hold was hilarious to me from the beginning. He's exactly the type of smarmy character you would expect to find in this position if he weren't usually impossible to touch. But Kratos's inclusion was actually a last minute change. Originally, I was pitching Palutena in his position (the goddess from Kid Icarus), but I ultimately decided that something about her presence didn't sit right. It was starting to look like Gorr was only fighting anime characters for some reason, and Palutena didn't really fit the theme of the picture. Beerus is a universally feared destroyer god with lazy nap tendencies, and Ryuk is a god of death who toys with humanity out of boredom. I wanted somebody equally brutal and terrifying to take up the last slot. Somebody who causes a ton of collateral damage with no regard for human life. And that's how Kratos found his way to the scene.

The Imaginary Axis
2 years ago - 3K likes

Yes. Contrary to popular belief, I am, in fact, still alive. As a matter of fact, I am immortal and meet with Death every other month to discuss the balance between reality and imagination.

(I keep getting emails asking if I’m dead.)

The Imaginary Axis
3 years ago - 1.1K likes

“But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?" -Mark Twain
(Thumbnail WIP for Persona Project)

The Imaginary Axis
3 years ago - 678 likes

I have my own opinion on this, but I want to know what you guys think.
It could very well become the subject of a future video.