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Is your home safe? Are you housed in Thee Lord ! . 2 Corin

PLEASE DONT GIVE UP PLEASEEEE !!!! #childofgod #motivation #walkinspiritoftheholyspirit How are you waiting ? Are you complaining and murmuring? Stay in faith. God can do ANYTHING 🦋 Get back on trackkk !!!!! Feet down chest out!! Feet on the enemy’s neck !!! Everything happens bcc God allows it to! There’s no coincidences. Respond Holy ♻️✨ God is Thee Father, Focus on your role as a mother not the absence of the other parent! #childofgod He is the vine we are the branches!! #childofgod #befree Stay the course! The straight and narrow path is where We must be! Keep the faith! Do it anyway! Be obedient!!! #charitywins #childofgod Keep trusting!! Learn from your pain! Increase your discernment of spirits and MOVE ACCORDINGLY! Be encouraged. Stay faithful. It is still yours! You had to go through the fire! #walkingwithgod A right now word! The enemy has to let you go!! Acts4:21 No more bondage! #childofGod Guilty by association. Guilty by your silence. Repentance. #childofgod #befree The Bible says train up a child! Your parents owe you guidance and a solid foundation!!! #befree How was your childhood? Rushed to be an adult? Overlooked? Fearful? Give it to God He wants it! Be careful what you ask for because it will expose your heart posture #childofgod D.I.Y w/Jesus!! Everything starts with you acknowledging and seeking the Father first!! #selfcare FORGIVE THEM. FORGIVE YOURSELF. Let it ride for God’s Glory! You will win #befree I know the pain! But I know God too! Peace be still! Shalom children of God #eternally #love Seek no revenge ! God repays us all good for good and evil for evil! Thank you Yahweh for this ✨ Are you ready? Can you keep up? 🦋🌻💍🍼⚖️ #yahweh #childofGod #breakthrough Teaching him that everything he sees on tv/YouTube is NOT real! #perceptuallearning #godschild Stay In Faith ! Your story can change for better ANY MOMENT NOW !!! 🦋🫶🏾✨🌻 #healer #godschild Peace in the storm!!! The presence of The Holy Spirit is always present. #worshipseason #freed Make space for you and God! #prayercloset #hisreturn #onesoul Even when it hurts… can you still trust God? #childofgod #voiceofgod Change your focus to what matters to God not man! Donations are appreciated $rejuvrestore How badly do You want your Kingdom Spouse? #idolatry #befree #healingworld God wants you to know this right now! #befree #childofgod #godlovesyou #fortheloveofgod Don’t let them leave empty handed! It’s finna get real GOOD!! #goddidit #childofgod #free Your covenants with freemasonry, sororities, and fraternities are keeping you in bondage !! #befree God’s Greatest Creations are His children. A mother’s love is deep. #conqueror #iwillalwaysloveyou The Things Chosen Children Do! A blessing to witness how creative he is ✨🦋❤️‍🔥 #children Please give Yahweh your heart during these testing times #godsdaughter #kingdomworship #protection It’s okay to be “Uncool”!!! Change your standards of cool! #Godiscool #forgiveness #godsdaughter The benefits of being a child of God! 2 guaranteed gifts from Our Savior! #godslove #forgiveness Don’t be bitter! Let God repair your heart. Give your pieces to God #forgiveness #love #godsword Let God get the glory out your story. Yeshua is the Author. Let him write your story. #finished What’s causing your delay? What that heart do? Aw okay! Check yaself! #theholyspiritandyou Wondering when will your time come? It’s Now. #theholyspiritandyou #godsword There’s no need to abuse what’s not meant to be yours! Set it free and wait for what’s yours. #love The same ditches they are digging for you, will be the same ones that they fall in! #theholyspirit Follow Thee Most High God | His word is the lamp | Righteousness wins #theholyspiritandyou Test all “vibes and energy” |take all “vibes and energy” back to Thee Lord #theholyspiritandyou Are you circumcised?| Let God do your procedure|To be circumcised by Thee Lord #theholyspiritandyou Looks can be deceiving| Trust God for yourself | know Thou vision for thyself #theholyspiritandyou Thee Lord is the only judge | Isaiah 50:7 | be not ashamed of your sins | repentance is freedom Stop being a coward | Stop being passive aggressive | Faith over Fear | Unspoken Truth #godsword Kids remember everything. Make righteous memories. #invitegod #kingdomfirst #love