The Grandmaster's UCWF Show brings our MCU characters from the multiverse into the squared-circle of Professional Wrestling Entertainment. The Grandmaster's UCWF Show exists in the "What If...?" universe and serves as an entertaining deep-dive for all ages, into the MCU characters performing, competing, and living through story lines on the adamantium canvas of the squared-circle. This channel is an expansion of the original UCWF (Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation) from the pages of Marvel Comics. The first appearance of the UCWF was in Thing #28, June, 1985. The Grandmaster, in this "verse" of the multiverse has changed the definition of the abbreviated acronym UCWF (i.e. Universal Championship Wrestling Federation). The Grandmaster has recruited Super Grunt aka Devil Dog Dave aka HYDRA Dave with over 50 years of MCU experience to be the primary host of the show. Enjoy the show, and tell your friends. "EXCELSIOR!!!"