Karisma Garden offers videos and playlist collections on many spiritual topics and teachers that we trust and highly recommend for all that are on the evolutionary journey.
At KARISMA GARDEN, our goal is to help educate and guide so that one is able to make choices that can enhance and support a healthy, joyful, and abundant lifestyle. From a spiritual perspective, we are all part of the ONE, therefore, we're just a smaller fractal of that larger fractal, and we too are a larger fractal of all the smaller ones that we are able to perceive. When we help each other, we help ourselves; when we help ourselves, we help each other. Anything else, is just doing the opposite.
Philosophy. Life quotes, stoic teaching and Greek philosopher, Socrates, Lao Tzu teaching, Marcus Aurelius quotes
Spiritual Matters
Ascension energies, New Earth, Aliens, Pleiadians, Annunaki, Naga, 5D, Consciousness, Who is God, balance life, , soul growth, vibration, frequency, flash, the event, human evolution