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164 subscribers - no pronouns set

Hi I'm Jade64, I'm a trans lady with trust issues I guess. I

12 hours ago - 0 likes

Hey ballers new hedgesona dropped, in case you care enough to know which you probably don't, i took elements from the original GF design for Soupin (who recently was scrapped in favour of a different character entirely by one of our main artists- more on her soon-ish.) and meshed it with the original sona design so if you look back on the 1st soupin trailer or the original Frick V1 teaser you can see the inspiration, soupin is still not done but more updates on it soon i swear it will come out >~<

3 days ago - 1 likes

Tysm all for getting my Unbeatable old remix to 20 views (small numbers for sure but we all gotta start somewhere huh? Anyway more remixes/covers are coming soon :3

1 week ago - 3 likes

Anyone else think the final version of No Breathing in YTP invasion was kinda a letdown? I liked it for sure, but the original teaser version was just so much better imo... I don't mind the Sonic.EXE chromatic they used instead of the Vs EXE one tho.

3 weeks ago - 1 likes

oh btw im transfem if you dont like that then i'll kick u in the shins really hard

4 weeks ago - 2 likes

ok so if you go through the soupin ost playlist some songs are marked as scrapped, this is because the composer (Budgie) left the team, he is back now however, and thus the songs will be used again. (or at least all the ones that were originally going to be used)

1 month ago - 1 likes

I took down 200-300 of my old videos. You’re all safe now.

1 month ago - 0 likes

Very sorry for my absence, pls accept soupin ost as apology

1 month ago - 3 likes

Hey everyone, I have some unfortunate news, my laptop that i'm currently typing this on (and that I do all my videowork on) will die soon, as the charger came out the charging port and no longer connects, combined with the trackpad also no longer executing left clicks (i'm having to use a USB mouse). Thankfully, I was given a new laptop by a family member which is a few models up from the current one, so not all is lost, but, don't expect a video for a while. (i promise I have been working on stuff in the background despite my non-existant upload schedule).

Cya Later.

1 month ago - 2 likes

Ok so this is a completely random question, but what Fortnite chapter did ya'll start in?