Welcome to Visibly Invisible MS – I’m sharing my journey with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and my fight to navigate a complex healthcare system that is structured to ensure we fail! My mission is to help others with chronic/invisible illnesses find resources, learn about MS, feel less alone, and provide tips on illness management.
This channel is not monetized, & its purpose is to advocate, educate, & build a community for individuals with MS and chronic illnesses. If monetization is enabled in the future, all proceeds will go toward health-related expenses (e.g., reimbursing my psychologist for unpaid services, donating to charitable foundations/causes, or needed medical expenses).
Explore playlists on MS tips, healthcare hacks, and personal stories. Let’s build a community where every voice matters. Together, we’ll ensure you’re seen, heard, and no longer misunderstood!
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#multiplesclerosis #mswarrior #mssymptoms #chronicillness #invisibleillness