in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Week day old chicks are already drinking from the @FarmerBrad Automatic Chicken Waterer! Great products and great service!
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The American Chinchilla bunnies cooperated for their Christmas photo.
We wish you all a Blessed and Merry Christmas!
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Spending this week away from the Homestead. Down in Arizona doing some training for work. Enjoying the sights, but can't wait to get back home and get some more winter prep done.
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It has been a while since we have posted new content, and here is why! I have been working non-stop for the last few weeks to get our upstairs bathroom remodeled. It appears as if it hasn't had too much done to it since the 80's. It was a complete gut and redo, and like any 100+ year old house, nothing was plumb, square, or level. This required a lot of work, but it is almost complete and new content will be out soon!
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