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4 months ago - 1 likes


5 months ago - 3 likes

Wanna say thank you all for 5k. The Hilda video did extremely well and pushed me over the mark. This is a big accomplishment and I'm excited for next year and the content I will make. Happy New Year and again thank you all so much!

5 months ago - 3 likes

THIS COMES OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY! Thank you @SpindleHorse and @amazon !!! You can expect my review of this first season when it finishes. I will cover it after Hilda!!! New year starting great!!!

6 months ago - 10 likes

If you are wondering if I'm still alive. The answer is yes. And if you are wondering if I'm gonna review Season 3 of Hilda (aka the final season), the answer is also yes. This will be the next video I post and will be posted on Christmas Day, December 25th, my present to all of you. My final video of the year. Wanna end the year with a bang. It's been... A rough year for me. To say the least but. I'm happy I get to watch one of my favorite shows one final time. I'm excited. I promise you this review will be in depth and my best one yet. Stay tuned. And LIVE LIFE. ADVENTURE ONWARD!

7 months ago - 2 likes

(old post)
I should tell you all... I don't know when the next video will be. If anything, I may be done with YouTube forever. Recently I have lost my long term discord server The Meister Squad due to unforeseen circumstances...

I have been battling depression for the past couple of months now... Lately... I hate to say this but. I have been having suicidal thoughts. If another video does get posted, it will be after I am dead. No, I don't think I can be talked out of it or if I'm changing my mind anytime soon. I keep thinking I'm going to change my mind but it's looking like that is not the case.

I was trying to keep this under wraps but I feel you all needed to know in case y'all was wondering where I have been. This could be the end of my channel, and my life. I cannot see myself getting any happier, I do not see my life getting any better. I want to be free... I want to no longer feel sad... I want to no longer feel worthless... I want to no longer feel like a plague to this world. But lately that's all I have been... And what I have continued to be.

I honestly feel there is no more good I can possibly do. Losing my server may seem trivial to you people... But that was something I built. Same with my last ex. Two things I thought I would never lose... But I did. I gave up on both.

Sure... I still have this channel, but let's be honest... It was never gonna go anywhere. I have gotten the subscribers and the views but no money. And honestly the amount of work it takes to make true quality content, I simply do not have the time and energy for anymore. My life keeps me from doing things I truly love, and that's depressing. I can't find happiness anymore... It's gone.

I need you to know... You all mattered a lot to me. This wasn't anyone's fault. Who knows... Perhaps I will make it through this. Perhaps I'm just stuck and maybe before the end of November (when I plan to do the deed), I will find something in this life worth living for and being happy about but. Lately there is nothing I do not see any way to stop thinking this way. After everything I just lost... Nothing I will gain is gonna make me happy again so.

Goodbye, Meister Fans. Wow. I can't even use my trademark name for you anymore. That's depressing as hell. The next video you see will either be the final video or... Whatever the hell comes out I guess. All I can say is... I'm sorry. For everything.

This last paragraph I'm going to just say sorry. I'm sorry I online dated my ex when she was 17. I'm sorry I yelled at a 16 year old saying I was gonna kill myself (pretty ironic now isn't it...). I'm sorry I let people in my server do vile things under my watch. I'm sorry I yelled and bullied a mod/friend in my server even though she really didn't deserve that. I'm sorry I bullied another YouTuber minor and his friends just because I was mad at the video he made on me. I'm sorry I couldn't improve... I'm sorry... I existed at all. But soon... I think the world is going to be a much happier place now. Whether I get the help I need... Or. I don't.

Thank you and. Goodbye...

8 months ago - 2 likes

I wanna publicly apologize for that last video I posted, it is deleted now. I posted it out of pure rage and spite, and I don't wanna be that person so. I will post another video to replace it though, something shorter and not naming anyone. It will be a poem I made. See ya soon.

8 months ago - 3 likes


8 months ago - 2 likes

The world isn't ready for this much peak

9 months ago - 3 likes

Yes Part 3 of Goodbye, DCEU is coming with @BUTTERRECRUIT but my busy schedule is conflicting with me working on that so please be patient. Suicide Squad 2016 Review should be out by September 6th but please don't quote me on that lol.

9 months ago - 2 likes

Go check out this awesome new YouTuber she's cute and full of personality