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Gent Z

80.4K subscribers - no pronouns set

Gent Z is for young men who want to improve their style, the

Gent Z
1 week ago - 309 likes

Who would you like to see next on the Gent Z podcast? Let me know in the comments!

Gent Z
2 weeks ago - 115 likes

It's my pleasure to announce that the next Gent Z event is happening June 11 in Chicago

Get your invite here -

Gent Z
4 weeks ago - 1.1K likes

In a world of sexting and dick pics, a handwritten expression of admiration will win you a place in her heart that no other man can reach.

Let's not forget the power of the love letter, Gents.

Gent Z
1 month ago - 800 likes

Gentlemen, I am overwhelmed and honored by the incredible turnout for our first-ever meet-up last night.

It was wonderful to bring together so many like-minded men for the first time.

I had limited chances to take photos as we were busy drinking Old Fashioneds, and talking about clothes, cars, and watches, but I hope these pictures give you a glimpse of the night if you were not able to make it.

This was the first of many Gent Z events to come.

Likely, I will hold another one in May. If you couldn’t make it to the first one, or you are new to the channel, please do add your name to my events mailing list so you can be in the know -

I am very excited to see where this community goes in the future.

Thank you to everyone for coming and supporting the channel of Gent Z.


Gent Z
1 month ago - 63 likes

A FINAL REMINDER to everyone in Chicago.

Free meet-up event tonight starting at 7pm.

Get the venue info here -

See you all tonight 🍸🍸🍸

Gent Z
1 month ago - 65 likes

Time for a Q&A video - please submit up to three questions in the comments and I will do my best to answer as many as possible

Gent Z
4 months ago - 26 likes

Gentlemen, thank you for the great response to this video!

I'm going to be making a follow-up video featuring FIVE classic ROLE MODELS for young gentlemen to look up to.

I would love to hear your suggestions in the comments for whom I should include?

Thank you 🙏

Gent Z
4 months ago - 109 likes

What's your opinion on the #tradwife movement?

Would this be your dream wife?

Or are you seeking a more modern woman?

Let me know in the comments?

Gent Z
4 months ago - 92 likes

Controversial opinion... (yes I'm full of them)

Owning a blazer is just as important as owning a suit - especially in today's era

What do you think???

Gent Z
4 months ago - 27 likes

Who wore it better???