Hi, soul family! Super excited to be here to share experiences and light language (LL) with you all! Since this is a fairly new channel, I'm still figuring out what to post but the first step is to create the channel :) Also, I may share information related to my work as a QHHT and BQH practitioner, and other spiritual topics.. I'm just allowing and flowing as I'm inspired :)
I'm planning to post new Light Language transmissions either Tuesdays or Wednesdays weekly. Creating these transmissions here is one of the best ways to share the heart-based light codes with the collective. Our soul understands these light codes even though our human mind doesn't. Just allow, and keep an open heart/mind while listening to a transmission. Thank you for stopping by my channel.
With much love,
Instagram @balancedalchemy_cindykim
Facebook @balancedalchemycindykim