This channel houses MusicMaker mixes
Currently developing means/skills toward improving these videos plus the music content that comes with them, including getting into more original/compositional based content (especially music-wise). I would ask for patience with my initial clumsiness/if the videos seem somewhat silly/boring/etc.
My priority is getting the audio content out there and organizable from a more public vantage point than what is currently the case, and I am essentially planning to work backwards through my commercially viable content such as it exists at this current juncture. I have some thoughts about getting my not-all (yet...maybe,,,someday...alsomaybenot) commercially viable 281 playlist out there using this platform, but it will take time to create 281 music videos even if they are blank screen vids. I'm hoping to be slightly more creative (even if a vid like that is never monetizable).
For now, this is it.