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DMV Elevators and More

1.1K subscribers - no pronouns :c

Welcome to my channel! This is the successor to my old chann

DMV Elevators and More
6 days ago - 4 likes

Just as a reminder for everyone, my trip to good ole' London, England, is coming up super soon, so please keep on beaming me up with suggestions of what cool lifts and escalators to check out.

Obviously, I'm checking out the singing lift, so sorry if I have read your mind with that suggestion.

DMV Elevators and More
2 weeks ago - 3 likes

Coming soon to my channel...

An exclusive opportunity featuring me operating a pit lift at a theatre. Something that's probably never been done before in the YouTube elevator community

DMV Elevators and More
2 weeks ago - 7 likes

Sorry if I have not posted a video on this channel for a while. I have had a pretty stressful time in my life now since I'm making a big transition toward college and that. I'll try my best to post new material soon.

DMV Elevators and More
4 weeks ago - 8 likes

My Airbnb down in Toronto has these freaking insane ≈1400 fpm (7 m/s) Thyssenkrupp Northern elevators.

Here's some depression. THEY ARE SMART KEYED!!!! 😡😡

These are my very first smart (dumb) keyed elevators.

I can only go up to 48 on the elevators in it (specifically the high rises too).

It's absolutely obnoxious and I had to climb 19 flights of steps to start on the top floor, just to be exhausted climbing those. To whoever thought it's a genius idea to smart lock these epicnesses, shame on you.

I'll not be disclosing the location of this since this is in a private apartment building.

UPDATE (7/3/2024): Apparently, these have proven to be temperamental because it let me go anywhere on the service elevator today

DMV Elevators and More
4 weeks ago - 9 likes

I present to y'all...

An elevator enthusiasts' worst nightmare and total ADA violations. See the signs.

Clearly discrimination against people with disabilities and people who desperately need an elevator

Taken on a Sunday in Buffalo NY

DMV Elevators and More
1 month ago - 12 likes

Just wanted to give an update with the elevator community thing.

Things have finally started to resolve and the whole thing regarding the Dieselducy video has finally gotten back into a peaceful state.

I want to apologize for being a bit of a drama king and pitching the fuel to the fire that started the stupid commenting war on that video. I was never intending my comment on that video to be bullying or whatever. I was also never intending a commenting war to start out of it. The war was absolutely stupid and extremely unnecessary.

As Americans, we all have the first amendment right to the freedom of speech and opinions. I try my best to honor peoples opinions, whether I personally like them or not.

I've finally gained my faith back into most of the community after seeing his honest reply regarding the situation.

I would like to note that I'm human like the rest of y'all and I screw up somedays. Thank you to ‪@DieselDucy‬ for your honest reply on the whole situation and for making my day better.

DMV Elevators and More
1 month ago - 12 likes

I feel like I need to have a discussion regarding the elevator community.

There has become a total lack of common sense in the elevator community recently. I encountered this one video yesterday with the filmer featuring this family in their video, but they slap an embarrassing and negative title/description on them. No faces blurred, even in the thumbnail. People, I get y'all have the first amendment right to film whatever in a public area, but everyone needs to have common sense at least. I know they'll probably never find that video, but that is clearly rude and disrespectful to the family featured because who knows what circumstances they may have been through. Please just don't feature people on your stuff without their permission. At least be nice enough to blur out their faces, especially if they are minors.

Then I write my concern in the comment in a constructive manner and then a bunch of ogres start harassing me and calling me offensive and cancel culture style terms like "derogatory" and more. Almost every single person that had replied to me clearly lacked one bit of common sense. There seemed to be more people praising the lack of respect toward the family and common sense in the video's comments than not. Then the concerning comments get removed from the channel, which really sounds disrespectful.

It broke my heart yesterday to see that much disrespect in the elevator community. I know there are plenty of good people out there in this community, but I hate seeing all the disrespect that has grown in the community.

Update: the harassment toward me has STILL continued. People are calling me "whiny" when I'm not. Secondly, it's pissing me off that I get called a "child" by another user when in reality, I am an adult by law. All I just wanted is to discuss my issue without the need of people fighting and harassing each other.

Please be advised that due to the controversy I've had to endure with this situation, all comments will be held for review before publication on this post. Any comment that has me in a negative manner, puts me in the wrong intentionally because of your lack of common sense, or supports foul behavior in the community will be rejected. No exceptions whatsoever. So far, I've had to remove 3 comments, please don't make yourself be the fourth.

PS: I encourage y'all to share this post on your channel or whatever.

DMV Elevators and More
1 month ago - 9 likes


Looks like I hit the big ole' 1k marker!

A big thank you to all of my subs out there for making me hit the 1k milestone.

There will be a special coming out on a mystery date in the next few weeks from now.

PS: Plz don't forget to check out and subscribe to my hand dryer channel too, and hopefully it can reach 1k subs someday too.

DMV Elevators and More
1 month ago - 1 likes


From the majority of people wanting hand dryers on a separate channel, I have officially created a new channel for hand dryers called DMV Hand Dryers and More. The first video will be coming out tomorrow.

Please subscribe to it if you can :)

Link to the channel:

I'll now be managing this channel (my main channel) and the new hand dryers channel.