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160K subscribers - no pronouns set

Hey guys! My name is Bill (he/him) and I like trying new thi

5 days ago - 59 likes

I'm playing Baldur's Gate 3 for the first time LIVE tonight (6/17 7pmCT/5pmPT) on my gaming channel:ā€Ŗ@BillChillGamingā€¬ and raising money for The Trevor Project! Come say hi if you want! I stream every Monday & Thursday! DONATE LINK:

1 week ago - 335 likes

My allergies are destroying me lately! IM SORRY! Please give me a few days to catch up on filming! Thank you!

2 weeks ago - 892 likes

HAPPY PRIDE!!! I'm linking my fundraiser for The Trevor Project if you're interested in donating! 100% of my channel membership revenue, and 20% of overall revenue for June is also being donated so clicking things helps too! I'm fundraising live on my gaming channel ā€Ŗ@BillChillGamingā€¬ if you want to say hi between uploads!
The Trevor Project:ā€¦
World Central Kitchen:ā€¦

Take Care of Yourselves, Please

1 month ago - 384 likes

It's good to be back! ... Does anyone mind if I talk about Bluey for 20 minutes?

2 months ago - 557 likes

Quick Update: I'm going to be out of town next week with my family for my Grandpa's memorial. I have videos up for when I'm gone (on both channels) and I hope you enjoy them. While it's not a "vacation" I am looking forward to seeing my Mom and Grandma for the first time since 2019, and taking time to pay tribute to my Grandpa.

I'll check comments when I can, so say nice things when you click on stuff! See ya when I get back.
Might do a live stream update thing if I'm up to it.

Take Care of Yourselves, Please

4 months ago - 112 likes

I'm working on a video about Avatar The Last Airbender Remake and I'm not sure if I want to go episode by epsiode, or discuss Season 1 as a whole. Thoughts? Thank you, and remember to take care of yourselves, please.

4 months ago - 751 likes

Quick Update: Sorry for vanishing again. I'm okay, just lots of new intense personal things taking my focus and I'm still trying to find a productive balance without burning out for days/weeks. I'm getting back into making videos again, and hoping to have some ready soon. I'm still streaming on my gaming channel if you want to say hi. Thank you for your patience, and I hope everyone is well.

Take Care of Yourselves, Please

6 months ago - 1.1K likes

I'm taking down my Trying to Stan The Music of Wish video. Since it was a Thankmas fundraiser video, please see the link in the comments for the donation link to World Central Kitchen.

I am only one person trying to navigate the world. There's so much conflicting information, and I am still not finding clear answers about Disney being an official boycott from my research before and after uploading. Whether that's accurate or not, the influx of hate today has been too much. I don't see other creators/channels being targeted like mine was today as they cover Disney properties, or other companies listed that I've seen. Despite my updated links (and literally addressing the hypocrisy of singing about unity in the video) all I've seen is hate, and the usual comments indicative of not watching what I upload.

My goal is to have fun, and entertain people. I can't be placed on some type of pedestal, nor expected to know everything. I don't even feel I have a "platform" since engagement has been so low. I can't donate because I am yet to make a cent after using my life savings to make up the difference in rent/bills/food etc. for the last 4 years.
The implication I'm not doing enough is gross, inaccurate, and invalid given my situation.

I am not religious. My family is from Armenia. My extended/adopted family is from many spiritual backgrounds and from all over the world. I have been told my whole life what extreme violence like this does, and I am against it.
I am pro peace. I want the violence to end.

I felt talking about this was inappropriate given my content. I strive for entertaining videos about entertainment, not the news. Again, I'm limited to my own research, and doing my best. The links have been added for weeks now to my resource card in every video/stream. I didn't want it to be a signal opportunity to go "LOOK AT ME IM GOOD!" but I want to be clear, they've been there for awhile.

I don't know if I'm taking a break. I don't know if I'm making more content.
I only know that I have to look out for my mental health and well being.

7 months ago - 166 likes

**Quick Update** My 4th Pumpkin Carving Live Stream is this Friday, 10/27 7pmCST/5 Pacific! I hope to see you there as we keep the tradition alive! Hope everyone is well!