I've played piano for as long as I can remember. I play completely by ear and can't read music or anything, soo naturally I don't have any sheet music to send anyone lol. I think I have a pretty wide taste in music and play a variety of stuff, so hopefully most everyone should find something they enjoy listening to on here =)
I read comments and try to respond to messages so if ya have any questions (again, don't have any tabs/sheets) hit me up!
FAQ: Someone recently asked me to explain my playing by ear ability a bit more, here's how I try to explain it: I can play pretty much any song I've ever heard and can remember. So, if I can remember the song and sorta "hear" it in my head, I can replicate it on the piano almost instantly. If I hear a new song, it will take me a few listens to get it ingrained in my head before I can really play it.