Hello everyone..
Myself Avkash Dhaneshwar a home maker turned to yoga instructor .Yoga has been part of my life for over 8 years. My practice has helped me grow stronger, more flexible n fearless both on and off the mat.Yoga inspires me to live each moment more mindfully. With the help of yoga I cured my number of ailments like thyroid, sciatica pain ,fibrosis ,frozen shoulder without popping in even a single pill.
At 40 Yoga has completely transformed my life. Now I have entered in my 50's more energetic ,happy n healthy than ever before. I am here to share my experiences and knowledge with all of you. So that I can help you to lead a healthy n happy life without medicines.
Thank You So Much Everyone.
Kindly consult your doctor if you have any preexisting medical condition. Check if practice is suitable for you.It is essential that you retain full responsibility for your own physical n general well being. The golden rule is,if it doesn't feel right then don't do it.