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❤Hello!大家好!这里是【甜剧贩卖机Drama store】 超多精彩中国电视剧每天更新哦❤ ❤欢迎订阅!Waiti

墨房黑化,一身西装超帅!😍#与凤行 沈璃和宝宝淘气相处,太可爱了!😍#与凤行 片场沈璃行止亲密路透,磕到了!😍#与凤行 沈璃凤凰真身现世!😍#与凤行 沈璃好美!😍#与凤行 #与风行 Super sweet kiss scene, watch it in advance! Use one sentence to prove that you have watched "The Legendo f ShenLi" The couple is so powerful and majestic! 戏里戏外都是飒爽的“女将军”😍#与凤行 赵丽颖红衣造型绝美,灿烂又艳丽!#KukanDrama 解锁更多 #与凤行 #赵丽颖 #林更新 沈璃和行止生死诀别,这场面我看哭了!😥#KukanDrama 解锁更多 #与凤行 #赵丽颖 #林更新 Fighting special! Shen Li is crisp and neat, and every move is a work of art! Don't play by the rules. If you want freedom, then I will grant your freedom! Zhao Liying's little phoenix transforms into a beautiful goddess of war and appears in golden light! 时隔六年,#赵丽颖终于把 #林更新 捞上来了,但是画风太诡异!#KukanDrama 解锁更多 #与凤行 #赵丽颖 #林更新 The super sassy war goddess falls in love with a mortal, with a beautiful and sad emotional line! #与凤行 倒计时1天!| 与凤行 The Legend of Shen Li | 赵丽颖 林更新 The love between Shen Lixingzhi and Shen Lixingzhi is so sweet! Countdown to 3 days! I'm really looking forward to it just by looking at the trailer! Looking forward to Shen Li’s fighting scenes! The fight scenes are so exciting! #与凤行 Countdown to 3 days! #与凤行 冲破命运桎梏的|与凤行,追逐真心 。The Legend of Shen Li | 赵丽颖 林更新 与凤行 The Legend of Shen Li | 赵丽颖 林更新 灵界碧苍王逃婚坠入凡间,遇见人间游历的上古神,命运齿轮开始转动 | 与凤行 The Legend of Shen Li | 赵丽颖 林更新 Unparalleled beauty-Wu Meiniang! ##范冰冰#张钧甯#武则天#武媚娘传奇 你的命运已经走到了尽头,而我武媚娘的人生才刚刚开始! #范冰冰#张钧甯#武则天#武媚娘传奇 None of 4 noble concubines are easy to mess with,they deserve their reputation! #范冰冰#张钧甯#武则天 domineering Empress Wu Meiniang deserves to be only female emperor of China! #范冰冰#武则天#武媚娘传奇#bailu concubine looked down on Wu Meiniang, but was slapped angrily by emperor !#范冰冰#张钧甯#武则天 武媚娘被关入大牢,小妾得意,不料皇上每晚都去监狱看她! #范冰冰#张钧甯#武则天 腹黑世子公主抱替嫁新娘进府,心机女要气炸了!【替嫁新娘|Fated to Love You】 #傾城絕戀#the world of love chinese drama#失寵王妃之結緣 古代王爷与现代少女谈恋爱,没想到刚亲热3秒王爷竟消失不见💖| #星落凝成糖 李兰迪 携手王安宇 #梦回 大清 A lifetime of humiliation finally comes to an end! #傾城絕戀#the world of love chinese drama#失寵王妃之結緣 From laughing princess to miserable woman! #傾城絕戀#the world of love chinese drama#失寵王妃之結緣 Zhao Lusi’s new singing and dancing, learn it quickly!#赵露思#zhaolusi #古装 #白鹿 Peerless sweet girl Li Sheng!#傾城絕戀#the world of love chinese drama#失寵王妃之結緣 赵露丝唱跳新歌,超甜公主,谁还没看过!#赵露思#zhaolusi #古装 #芒种 #白鹿#国风 mother-in-law gave ginseng chicken soup to pregnant princess,she got stomachache after drinking it