佛光山澳洲南天寺是南半球最大的佛寺,1995年10月8日,開山宗長 星雲大師親臨南天寺主持開光典禮,為澳洲佛教史寫下了輝煌的一頁。南天寺秉持 星雲大師「以文化弘揚佛法,以教育培養人才,以慈善福利社會,以共修淨化人心」的四大宗旨,在澳洲廣播菩提道種,每年吸引數十萬遊客前來參訪旅遊,已成為當地最具特色的宗教巡禮聖地,並不斷向落實佛教本土化的方向邁進。
Situated at Berkeley - a suburb of Wollongong in the state of New South Wales. It is one of the branch temples of Fo Guang Shan, founded in 1965 by Venerable Master Hsing Yun, which has over 200 branches worldwide. "Nan Tien" in Chinese, literally means "Paradise of the South". This is the biggest Buddhist temple in the southern hemisphere.