in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Been a little under the weather but more AMV's are on the way! In the meantime, I would love for you all to check out one of the first Kendrick edits I've ever done.
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My apologies for not streaming the past few days! Been dealing with some personal things and still very much working on the other edits for Kendrick's GNX album.
Once I return, I'll be (specifically for Xenoverse 2 mods) doing more than showcasing gameplay. I've noticed a lack of video tutorials online explaining how certain things work, along with an example.
Therefore, I'll also be releasing XV2 modding tutorials along side my streams.
In the meantime I will most likely be uploading content from my Instagram channel. This channel definitely isn't dedicated to AMV's only, so I hope everyone sticks around to see what else I've been cooking up.
We're almost at 500 subs thanks to you guys and that's more than I can ask for honestly--considering this page is so old. I'm looking forward to sharing more with ya'll!
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Good afternoon everyone! I am so glad you all have chosen to check me out and see what I have going on over on this side of Youtube.
Stay tuned for me! i am actively working on AMV's for each song in "GNX". I already have two more songs that I will be working on later this week.
I figured I would make things exciting by making a poll of which upcoming edit you guys will be the most excited to watch. So feel free to vote and let me know which edit you will be anticipating!
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Let's go! I didn't realize we're up to 300 subscribers now. Thank you, all of you! If you guys only knew how much this means, but one day I'll share that.
Looking forward to posting more edits, gaming content and other things I have in the works. <3
What are you interested in seeing from me the most?
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Thank you all for enjoying my Mashle AMV! Please check out this edit as well when you all get the chance. <3
If you aren't subbed to @ENRGYBEATS you should definitely see what he's about.
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The first of many, many episodes! Stay tuned ya’ll. These kids haven’t finished bringing the tryhard outta me. 😭💀💯
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Freedom. Creativity. Imagination.