in the future - u will be able to do some more stuff here,,,!! like pat catgirl- i mean um yeah... for now u can only see others's posts :c
Really cool guy and his crew. Mr Logo made my coffee cup you see in the videos. Check his store out in the La Joya shopping center.
Un tipo realmente genial y su equipo. El Sr. Logo hizo mi taza de café que se ve en los videos. Visite su tienda en el centro comercial La Joya. #mrlogo
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A Blues band walks into La Guitarra one night. And magic happens!! Watch the full video on my JD Off-Course YouTube channel. Plus a Blooper Reel! Thanks JD
Una banda de blues entra a La Guitarra una noche. ¡Y ocurre magia! Mira el video completo en mi canal de YouTube JD Off-Course. ¡Además, un video de errores! Gracias, JD
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Hitting the beach today! More videos on the way. Stay tuned JD Off-Course
¡Hoy vamos a la playa! Más videos en el camino. Estén atentos JD Off-Course
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New video is out! In this one we take a little trip to Zacatecoluca, El Salvador. Exploring the streets, mercardo, various tiends and try out some great food at one of it's local restaurants. Climb in Lucy with me and let's check it out together! Thanks! JD
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Hello, this is JD. I'm a US citizen. I’m a retired firefighter from the US military. I've lived in El Salvador for 3 years, and recently I have flown to the Philippines. to experience the exotic island life. Join me on my adventure to meet new and friendly people. Let’s see what the Philippines is all about!
Hola, soy JD. Soy ciudadano estadounidense. Soy un bombero retirado del ejército de los EE. UU. He vivido en El Salvador durante 3 años y recientemente volé a Filipinas para experimentar la exótica vida en la isla. Únete a mi aventura para conocer gente nueva y amigable. ¡Veamos de qué se trata Filipinas!