Crossroads Christian Fellowship (CCF) is a non-denominational, conservative, and evangelical Bible-based Christian church.
Our purpose is to provide religious services including Christian ministry, evangelism, counseling, missions, discipleship, and other similar or related services.
CCF, which is registered with the Internal Revenue Service and the Texas Secretary of State as "Crossroads International Christian Fellowship," is headquartered in San Antonio, but provides ministry throughout the world.
CCF meets regularly in the private homes of members. If you are interested in attending services, becoming a member, becoming a leader, or becoming a minister, please contact us. We look forward to hearing from you,, and may God bless you!
NOTE: Sometimes the copyright notice for songs is difficult to see in the video (based on background light, etc.) Recordings are from live services. All songs are either public domain or covered by CCLI License #s 21689535 and 21689542. Thanks!