A warm welcome to my channel. I am Yamini Srinevasan, IT working professional and a mom of two kids from India. I love cooking, shopping, organizing space, sharing reviews, and welcoming guests.
I enjoy going to various restaurants on the weekends with my family and friends, also love exploring simple recipes at home which I'll be sharing on this channel.
As a working mom, I strongly believe in the importance of support to manage our daily routines. For example, home appliances can make daily chores easier, and apps on our phones can save us time by delivering things to our doorstep. I will be sharing information about the supporting resources that have been a great help in my daily life.
Organizing space and hosting a guest brings instant positivity at home. A clean home with positive people around us is a real blessing. I enjoy appreciating these little moments in life, and I invite you to join me on this journey.
Happy watching!