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Aloha in the Garden

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Aloha in the Garden is a place to find slow and mindful appr

Quick, easy way to kill grubs in your garden beds. #urbangardener #gardenpests #beginnergardening Hawai’i gardening advice to avoid spreading CRB in your garden. #invasivespecies #responsibleliving Save water, time, money with a living grass alternative. #waterwise #easygardening #nograss #garden Don’t miss out on your Hawai’i Board of Water Supply rebates! #oahugardenhub #gardening Blanket Flower #gardening #beautifulflower #natureshorts Why are there succulents in this garden? #gardening #communitygarden What is that weird thing on my plants? Bird breakfast #gardening #birdsinthewild #oahulife Honey and carpenter bees work together #bees #carpenterbee #pollinatorgarden #oahu u Lizards in the garden #gardening #gardenlife #geckos Large Manoa Community garden plot #gardening #garden #communitygardens Manoa community garden #gardening #garden #oahuhawaii Outstanding community garden plot set up Plan your big plantings while it's raining #gardening #tropicalfruittrees These orange things are garden gold! Do those green bags really work? Why prune your fruit tree? guava tree mid summer pruning Tiny soil blocks #seedstarting #urbangardens #gardeningideas Soil Blocking saves space, time, soil and money. #seedstarting #gardeningideas #urbangardens Keeping figs away from the birds fast and easy technique Beautiful native Hawaii shrub for dry hot locations. #urbangardener #nativeplants #hawaii Want ladybugs in your garden? Plant dill, let it go to flower, and they will come! #urbangardener Strange white things on your plants? Don’t spray until you know if they are a friend or a foe.  Can you grow apples in Hawaii? Yes you can if you choose the correct variety. #growyourownfood  Can you eat sweet potato leaves? #urbangardener #myplants #gardeningtips #gardentalk #sweetpotato Starting eggplants in January means a steady harvest throughout the hot summer. #urbangardener Walking Iris wakes up to the sun, wait till you see the blooms! #myplants #urbangardener #garden Butterfly pea flowers are easy to grow, edible, and will make your quick pickling WOW! Why are ants on my plants? #gardeningtips #plantleaves #garden #urbangardener #gardenpests Aloha Friday in the garden. #PotMarigolds #MyGarden #AlohaFriday #gardeninglife Why do I have a plate stand in my garden? #gardenhacks #repurposing #gardencat #gardeningtips Why did my cucumber do that? Garden vegetables can do the craziest things 🤭 #cucumber What are those weird squiggly lines on my plant leaves? #urbangardener #flower #gardeningtips Can you grow miniature sunflowers? #gardeningtips #oahu #seedstarting #urbangardening #sunflowers How do you get rid of rust on your Plumeria? #plumeria #urbangardener #gardeningtips #oahu Vanilla beans are finally cured. #vanillabean #growyourownfood #urbangardening Soil blocks to start seeds is my new learning adventure. #seedstarting #urbangardener Are you dreaming of summer yet? #summerflowers #urbangardener