This Channel is related to Education, Travel , food and Culture. You can watch many videos on different topics of Quantitative Aptitude which are very much important for different UG & PG Entrance( like CAT, MAT, CMAT,XAT, NMAT, SNAP, MAHCET, WBJEMAT, SET,NPAT, BBA ENTRANCE, IPM, IPMAT, CLAT,CU BALLB, NCHMCTJEE, NIFT, NIFD) and also for Government Jobs like Banking, Railways, SSC CGL & HSL, LIC ADO and many other exams.
Travelling is also a part of education. There is none who doesn't like travelling. I will keep you entertained by posting interesting videos of different places which I travel occasionally.
I will also post Food related Videos here. Preparation of different tasty Food Items will also be covered in this Channel.
Hopefully this channel would be one such unique education channel which will blend both education and travel in such a way so that learning never becomes boring at SG ACADEMICS. Subscribe my channel if you like it and share the videos among your loved ones.