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Welcome to the Official YouTube Channel of World Renowned Nauha Khuwan Qasim Husain Molayi
All Official Nauhas and Other Contents related to Qasim Husain Molayi & Mahir Abbas Molayi are available on this Channel.
Qasim Husain Molayi's saying, "KABHI MAHFIL KABHI AZA-E-HUSSAIN ZINDAGI WAQF HAI BARAYE HUSSAIN"(a.s). Encapsulates his lifelong commitment and dedication to Imam Hussain (a.s) and the principles of sacrifice and devotion. He endeavors to spread the message of peace and cultural leadership.
Qasim Husain Molayi, born in Lucknow, India. His debut NEW TRACK STUDIO "ABBASALLAMAN" (1998) under New Track Studio marked a milestone in noha khuwani, showcasing his exceptional talent. QASIM is the founder of QHM Records, where he pioneered creating nohas for hearing-impaired and mute azadars, making history in the field.
Email ID _tigermirza17@gmail.com