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PC Strategy Gaming & Let’s Plays! From Total War, Crusader K

1 week ago - 540 likes

I'm BACK!!! Where the heck did 2 weeks go though?! How do we have a 2 week old already?! I'm back from my Paternity Leave now although the next 2 weeks I'll be running reduced and flexible working hours so that I can still help my wife and have some quality family time where possible.

From the 10th June my hope is to be back at full 100% capacity and that will also likely be when I start NEW Series on both Manor Lords & Bannerlord (The Lost Targaryen) etc! Here is this week's Stream Schedule [Link to the Purple Site Below!] there should also be some Baldur's Gate 3 on Friday just waiting to find out when all the guys are free for it!

3 weeks ago - 4.7K likes

Quick little update to say Cubheart no.2 aka Broheart was born yesterday morning, 14th May at 12:55am, happy & healthy! Lady Lionheart doing great after finally being able to have the natural birth she wanted & she did amazingly too! Tired but so so Happy with our family of 4. Cubheart already being a great big brother to little bro! 🥰 See you all in a couple of weeks! ~LH

3 weeks ago - 4.1K likes

Here we go! It's Cubheart no.2 time! Paternity Leave Mode Engaged! AFK Email set and videos scheduled for the next 2 weeks! See you all on the other side!

Schedule wise, you've got Elspeth & Malakai releasing Today, Saturday 11th May followed by:

Monday 13th = Malakai
Wednesday 15th = Elspeth
Friday 17th = Malakai
Monday 20th = Malakai
Wednesday 22nd = Elspeth
Friday 24th = Malakai

***There should also be an upload of Fall of the Samurai and Ceusader King's 3 at somepoint over the next 2 weeks too!

I'll be back for 2 half weeks (to remain flexible helping with the kids at home) 27th May - 10th June. During this time I'll be aiming for daily content Uploads and 2-3 streams per week.

From the 10th June onwards ill be aiming to resume daily 2x Uploads and 4-5 streams a week. I'm saying this more just to give you all a heads up of what to expect. I know already how super supportive you all are, but as my work here is our sole income right now I do need to make sure everything is lined up as well as it can be ready for me to resume work after my Paternity leave so that I can provide the best possible care and life for my family which I'm sure you all understand.

I'm fortunate enough that some amazing Family & Friends will be running Takeover Livestreams over on my Twitch Channel over the next 2 weeks which are roughly as follows: (All Times UK BST)

Monday 13th 2-6pm - Darkerx2 Manor Lords Takeover

Tuesday 14th 8pm - Moosey Manor Lords Takeover

Wednesday 15th 6pm - Haxo Ironwolf Warhammer Painting Takeover

Thursday 16th 6pm - Battlesey Warhammer 3 Takeover

Friday 17th 3-6pm - Darker Manor Lords / F1 Takeover

Saturday 18th 12pm - Haxo Ironwolf Stellaris Community Multiplayer Takeover

Tuesday 21st 8pm - Moosey Manor Lord Takeover

Thursday 23rd 6pm - Battlesey Warhammer 3 Takeover

Saturday 25th 12pm - Haxo Ironwolf Stellaris Community Multiplayer Takeover

Anyway See you all in a couple of weeks as a Family of 4! Take care & Ciao for Now ~ LH

1 month ago - 569 likes

My Last Stream Schedule Before Paternity Leave! Cubheart no.2 aka (little)Broheart is due 9th May and if he's late we've got an induction booked for the 11th May as we're technically classed as a High Risk Pregnancy (All's fine though) So one way or another we'll be welcoming the little guy into the World either later this week or early next.

I'll be Taking 2 weeks off COMPLETELY for My Paternity Leave, starting May 10th and resuming work on the 27th May however from the 27th May to 10th June I'll be working at 50% capacity so that I can still help out with both of our children as needed! Full Content Schedule and Full Stream Schedule will resume from the 10th June. There will be Some Streams from me from the 27th May onwards but not at full regular speed.

During my Paternity Leave some amazing Family and Friends will be running some Streams on my Channel when they can to keep you all entertained in my absence! IDEALLY I will have 6 videos to release between the 10th and 27th May here on YouTube, with Uploads on Monday, Wednesday & Friday for the 2 weeks I'm Fully AFK. There may be more videos there may be less. I won't know till the Baby arrives and will post an update here to let you all know what to expect! Until then, sit back, relax and enjoy the content! ~LH

1 month ago - 283 likes

Did Someone say Streamssssss?! This Week's Stream Schedule. Can you tell I'm REALLY enjoying Manor Lords Early Access right now? SO MUCH FUN! Don't miss any of the Live Shenanigans Over on the Purple Stream Site...Link in the Comments below!

1 month ago - 337 likes

Thrones of Decay is Coming! I'll have Early Access to start my DLC Let's Plays from Tuesday 23rd April! Which 2 Legendary Lords / Factions should I start My Thrones of Decay Content with?! MORE DETAILS HERE:

2 months ago - 400 likes

Happy Easter Everyone! Hope you're all having a great weekend! There won't be any Uploads today Sunday 31st as I'm spending the day with my Family :) Uploads resume tomorrow April 1st, Realm of Thrones, Crusader Kings 3 & Napoleon! Plus Livestreams Monday to Friday!

2 months ago - 205 likes

HOT SAUCE CHALLENEGE IS BACK! This Time With the Series 10 Collection of Hot Ones HOT SAUCES! Bring on The Bannerlord Hot Sauce Challenge WEDNESDAY 20th at 1pm GMT! Plus all you usual favourites this week too! You Know the Place!

2 months ago - 243 likes

This weeks stream schedule! No Warhammer Model making planned but may still squeeze in an hour later in the week if I can. Also not sure about BG3 this week as waiting to hear back from Battlesey that he can make it with his new job.

HOT SAUCE - Series 10 of Hot Ones complete sauces are in the UK and on route for delivery soon but as I don't have an exact date yet I'm going to set the Hot Sauce Stream for next Wednesday 20th March for 4hrs+ of Bannerlord King in the North!

Don't miss more CK3 Empire of Heaven Adventure TODAY 2pm to 5pm GMT!

3 months ago - 82 likes

The Legends of Crusader Kings 3 Have Been Unleashed! Join me on my Next Great Exciting Adventure to Crusader and Conquest the Empire of Heaven! #ad Thanks to Paradox for Sponsoring this Video! Check Out Legends of the Dead here: Best Crusader Joke?! Where did the Crusaders keep their belongings?
In a Deus Vault!!!