Welcome tø my Deªth $påce. I am Deåth$høw thå DÆMØN💀 I am hªppy you have stumbled upon my chaøtic and psychøtic Demøn Rap. I blend many genres like Trap metal, scremø, drill-rap shadøw-rap ect.... I invite yøu intø a lucid nightmare where pleasure cømes frøm suffering where I purge my struggles thru my music and alsø funny shørts 🔥💀🔥.. like cømment and subscribe..and thank yøu all ahead of time!!!🔥
....ånd $ø it bëgïns.
Disclaimer - Parental Discretiøn strøngly advised... My music is NØT suitable for children.
Cøntent herein contains Strong language, graphic viølence, intense sexual themes, and quite pøssibly disturbing videø clips in søme øf my music videøs...
Where the living crøss paths with the Deªd and those in the inbetween who only exist in their head$...