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Bible Flock Box

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I'm a Bible believing Christian. My videos range from Bible

Bible Flock Box
1 day ago - 31 likes

There are millions of New Agers around the world. The New Age Movement teaches that all roads lead to God; however it is directly opposed to the teaches of the Bible. It endorses various Occult practices which the Bible issues a warning about, including communication with departed spirits of the dead. The New Age Movement seeks to establish a New Word Order, and many New Agers are looking forward to coming a messiah figure which they call Maitreya. New Agers practice mediation in the hopes that they can attain to divinity. They believe we can become gods. They also believe that Lucifer was good. Watch this video to learn more!

Bible Flock Box
1 day ago - 225 likes

Update from Grzegorz: So far you have helped Grzegorz raise 40,116 zloty (10,117 USD) for his back rehabilitation. His goal is 46,000 zloty (11,600 USD). His fundraiser is almost complete! Grzegorz is very thankful for your support. Grzegorz's back condition disables him from working, so he is counting on the support of others until he can make a full recovery. He also has a wife and two children that depend on him. His wife has become the sole provider for their family but it's been a heavy burden on them. Please help Grzegorz's complete his fundraiser so he can pay off his rehabilitation and recover as soon as possible. I'm sure God will bless you in return. Click here to donate:

P.S. The fundraiser currency is in PLN (Polish zloty). 1 USD equals about 4 PLN, so a 100 PLN donation is about $25.

Bible verses about helping those in need:

Philippians 2:4 - "Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others."

Galatians 6:2 - "Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.

Luke 6:38 - "Give, and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you."

Bible Flock Box
2 days ago - 40 likes

Some groups, like the Black Hebrew Israelites, claim that Jesus Christ was a black man of African descent. They even have a few verses out of the Bible which they use to support their claim. One of those is Revelation 1:15, which talks about Jesus' feet being like bronze which is burned in the furnace. They also say that the description of Jesus' hair being like wool fits a black man, because black people have curly hair. Is this true? Find out by watching this video!

Bible Flock Box
2 days ago - 72 likes

📖 Unlock the Blessings of Revelation: Verse by Verse!

The Book of Revelation promises blessings to those who read, hear, and keep its teachings. Yet, for many, understanding this profound book remains a mystery. It's time to unravel its secrets with "Revelation: Verse by Verse" – a daily devotional designed to guide you through every verse.

🔍 Why Choose Revelation: Verse by Verse?

✨ Gain a deeper understanding of Revelation's profound teachings.
✨ Daily devotionals for a transformative journey through each verse.
✨ Clear explanations to decode Revelation's prophecies.

📚 Hard Copy or Digital Download? We've Got You Covered!

🌍 For U.S. residents, click on the link for the hard copy.

🌐 International friends, opt for the digital download to save on shipping costs.

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🌟 Order Today and Unlock God's Blessings!

Embrace the wisdom of Revelation and claim the blessings that await you. Order your copy of "Revelation: Verse by Verse" today and embark on a journey of spiritual enlightenment!

👉 Don't miss out – your divine revelation awaits!

Bible Flock Box
2 days ago - 4K likes

This profound truth calls us to look beyond our physical needs and to seek the spiritual sustenance that only God's Word can provide. Just as bread sustains our bodies, the Word of God nourishes our souls, giving us the strength, wisdom, and guidance we need to navigate life's challenges. Let's prioritize our spiritual health, diving into the Scriptures daily, and allow His words to transform our lives.

Bible Flock Box
3 days ago - 46 likes

Revelation 11:3-13 talks about two witnesses who prophesy for 1260 days and have the ability to destroy their enemies with fire and strike them with plagues. They get killed by the beast that ascends out of the bottomless pit and lay dead in the street of spiritual Sodom and Egypt for three and a half days before getting resurrected by God and called up to Heaven. Who are these two witnesses? Many speculate that they are Moses and Elijah and they will appear in the end time during the tribulation to testify of the word of God and turn the world upside down. Is this true? Find out by watching this video! The truth will surprise you!

Bible Flock Box
6 days ago - 45 likes

Powerful video!

Bible Flock Box
1 week ago - 55 likes

What happens if you sin after becoming a Christian? Are the consequences greater than if you were not a Christian? Will God forgive you? Does it put you in danger of committing blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which the Bible calls the unpardonable sin? Find out by watching this video!

Bible Flock Box
1 week ago - 3.5K likes

No one has the right to change God's commandments. No pope, no pastor, no bishop. If your church tells you any or all of God's commandments have been changed or abolished, RUN!