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Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually

43.6K subscribers - no pronouns :c

My name is Jon Perry, you may know me from the Stated Clearl

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
2 months ago - 25 likes

Here, I explain why Michael Behe's concept of Irreducible Complexity did not impress biologists. To find out how "irreducibly complex" structures evolve, all you have to do is go outside and look around:

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
2 months ago - 33 likes

Tucker Carlson claims evolution is "just a theory". He is wrong. Evolution is an observable fact:

While there is a thing we call "evolutionary theory" which includes all the math and processes known about evolution, evolution is also a directly observable fact.

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
2 months ago - 38 likes

Nancy from @scibugs has an extremely interesting new video on the convergent evolution of silk in spiders and moths (caterpillars).

In it, she came up with a really nice analogy for convergent evolution:

If you compare silk as an end product an animal makes, just like a house is an end product contractor makes, you can figure out if silk is convergent evolution (evolved independently at least twice) vs a homologous trait (silk evolved once in the common ancestor of moths and spiders).

When we look closely at spider silk and caterpillar silk, we see that both make "houses", but everything from style, to blueprints, to building blocks, are different. This is convergent evolution!

There are more questions we could ask but the analogy gets us most the way there. I love it!

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
3 months ago - 204 likes

Daniel Dennett has died. In memory, here's my favorite term he coined: Competence Without Comprehension. It's the antonym to intelligent design.

The process of evolution is competent without comprehension, and so are many of the things it produces. This female Io moth flashes eye spots when threatened. She, apparently, has no idea why this works and doesn't care, so long as she's left alone!

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
5 months ago - 18 likes

The jungle tour is a go! We have 3 spots left if you want to join: July 16-25

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
5 months ago - 9 likes

Nancy put out a great new video on the "Insect Apocalypse"

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
5 months ago - 8 likes

Tickets for the evolution tour are now on sale! Spots are filling and the early-bird special ends soon so check it out now if you're thinking of joining!

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
9 months ago - 6 likes

Nancy just made a teaser trailer for our upcoming evolution tour in the Amazon Jungle. Check it out!

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
1 year ago - 6 likes

I made a new video over on Stated Clearly! Check it out.

Also, I'm still alive! I've been focused more on Stated Clearly the past few months but I'll be back to Stated Casually in a few weeks.

Jon Perry - Genetics & Evolution Stated Casually
1 year ago - 10 likes

Next time you have a long drive or a lot of dishes to do, check out this 2 hour discussion I had with Dr. Brian Gitschlag on how homosexuality is understood in light of biological evolution!